10 May 2015

Why I train

Fitness is important, I said that much in my previous post. Without my training regime I probably wouldn't be the man I am today. The thing is, I never really explained why I go out of my way to improve on my level of fitness. Hopefully this entry will shed some light on to the why and so forth.

I do training so that ultimately I could do that what you just saw on the video.

You see, my disability is static; meaning that it doesn't get worse over time, it just stays the same. What the doctors don't say is that if you don't use something overtime, you lose the ability.

Progress of a sort

Admittedly I have been slack in the blogging department, but that's the price of working full time, writing and carry on with life. The end result is that something had to give, and that something was blogging. Besides, I really didn't have much to report. Enemy Within has been edited to death, fixed and reworked accordingly. All going well, it will be up soon. Then there is Ghost of Missions Past, which is in the editor's capable hands, and very soon she will have another story to look at that features Special Agent Carl Nicole of the United Nations Police Division.

Say hello to Peter Stanley

I can understand if my long-time followers are a bit confused, but rest assured, it's still me. I have decided to use the pen name Peter...