29 Jan 2019

Life is good

Hey all, hope you are enjoying Chimera: Double Cross so far? If you haven't gotten the book yet, it's now available as an ebook mobi file and as a print on demand, both of which are available on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. Please review it once you've read it though, as it'll give the book greater exposure.

Anyway, I've taken a little break from writing since the book went live, but wanted to let you know that am getting into the swing of things with a new story, new premise and new characters. This one is set in our Solar System. The idea was hinted at multiple times last year, but the story just wasn't cooperating. Now though, with Double Cross done and dusted, I can focus my creativity on what I'm tentatively calling Saboteur. I am also researching for another premise, but won't say what until I know more.

Other than that, life is good.

3 Jan 2019

Greetings and salutations

Greetings and salutations, and welcome to another year of fun, shenanigans, stress, achievements, failures and being older!

How are we all? I hope you had recovered from Christmas and New Years, and whatever else you celebrate and are enthusiastic about 2019 like I am.

Last year had ended in a bit of a mixed note, first with losing my job because the company I worked for stopped trading at the end of November and then finding out that my book was accepted by Cannon Publishing. So, yeah, a bit of a roller coaster trip if there ever was one. January 1st saw my book go live on Amazon for $3.44, you can find it here.

The book, as you've probably seen via my facebook page and what's on Amazon, is near futuristic police espionage with some elements of military thriller thrown in for good measure and is set in Guinea, Sierra Leone and South Africa.

Say hello to Peter Stanley

I can understand if my long-time followers are a bit confused, but rest assured, it's still me. I have decided to use the pen name Peter...