25 Aug 2015

A progress on my progress

Remember this post? Yeah . . . about that, life kind of took over. Don't get me wrong, both Enemy Within and Ghost of Missions Past exist in some form or another, the former more than the later. It's the editing that has bogged things down, along with life events like getting engaged, work and so forth.

The thing is, the story was to be . . . and still is meant to be . . . the pilot and starter to a series and/or a serial, so it's all about ensuring that there is a hook to interest the reader, a solid universe and well rounded characters that weren't cardboard cutouts. As I like to say, watch this space and be patient with me. I am writing.


  1. Don't worry. You'll make it happen. :)

    1. Hi Madalain,
      Thank you for your encouraging word and support. The good news is that I have just under 30k words written and I have enough of an edited version to get it on amazon if I really want to... but I just want to make sure it'll be a good read for you and others :)


Say hello to Peter Stanley

I can understand if my long-time followers are a bit confused, but rest assured, it's still me. I have decided to use the pen name Peter...