15 Nov 2013

Update on November 2013

Things are slowly progressing here.

While waiting to hear about my resubmission I have had been rather busy, which is a good thing.  Work has certainly picked up, especially with the self review coming up.  That had been easy this time round, and all the paperwork emailed to the appropriate people up north; with the parting words of "time to countdown the hours until the weekend", which were replied to with full blown agreement.  Being busy generally means no time to think about the little things in life that somehow continue to baffle me to this day.

The last while has also seen me being busy over the weekends too, most recent being a parade from Dental School to the Octogan. You can read about it here.  I have also started research on a new premise, and have found a goldmine thanks in part to being connected to a friend of my friend and am now in dialog about certain information.  Then there are the collaborations.  One with my friend Nigel, which I need to get back into, and the other with my good friend Sam.  The preliminary draft with Sam is more or less done, and looks like it will be a novella - so yay to that.  All I need to do is start the next phase of editing and beefing it up.

The only drawback however is that with work getting busier, it has meant that my writing has been really relegated to the weekends.  But never mind, onwards and upwards.  No?

Say hello to Peter Stanley

I can understand if my long-time followers are a bit confused, but rest assured, it's still me. I have decided to use the pen name Peter...