3 Apr 2013

Putting Bukowski to rest

Sergeant First Class Gene Bukowski and the United Nations Marshals Service, followed by the Special Projects branch of the United Nations Security Agency and now this... whatever this is.

By far my greatest achievement
To be honest I haven't got a clue. When I first started with Bukowski, I was relatively new to the idea of writing. Well, kind of. My first story that I've ever written from beginning to end involved ended up being published in my high school's end of year magazine. But it wasn't until I came across such awesome examples of story telling in my role-playing game via email that I wanted to actually write a story.

That story had been Bukowski.

In my attempt in writing my great masterpiece, that I was to unleash on a publisher who will instantly snatch it up and make me millions of dollars, I have dragged Bukowski through various incarnations and locales: from the tip of Olympus Mons, to the regolith deserts of Earth's moon and finally to Cahora Bassa as you see in Exit Strategy. The truth is, I'm getting the feeling that I need to put Bukowski to bed and let him go. After all, he has been my primary character for as long as I can remember. He needs a rest.

Not only that, Emilio Heerdan deserves  a holiday too
I want to move on.

Not that I'm suggesting that Bukowski is preventing me from moving on. Far from it. The good sergeant has taught me some valuable lessons around writing, character development and world building. He let me experiment on him, whether it be via first person narrative to collaborative writing (and I have to thank both Nigel and Barb too), to everything else.

I just want to move on, and play with other characters and story ideas.

Bukowski and Adams, along with Yamakawa and Heerdan will remain where I have placed them; in Special Projects. Besides, I may have one or two stories left in that series, and more may be written as freebies.

But I will be focusing on new stories with other characters populating them.

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Say hello to Peter Stanley

I can understand if my long-time followers are a bit confused, but rest assured, it's still me. I have decided to use the pen name Peter...